Tire Repair Services | Jiffy Lube (2024)

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Tire Repair Services | Jiffy Lube (1)

Tire Repair

Tire Repair Service

Got a flat tire? Bring your vehicle to your local Jiffy Lube®, and we’ll get you back on the road in no time.

How Flat Tire Repair Works
If your tire gets punctured while driving, it can often be repaired. Traditionally, tire service providers used a tire plug to repair punctured tires, but as technology has evolved over the years, most centers now use a tire plug-patch combo.

However, there are specific guidelines technicians must follow for a proper tire repair:

  • The puncture must be ½” or more away from the edge of the tire tread where the steel belt begins
  • The puncture must be less than ¼” in diameter
  • The puncture must not overlap a previous repair

If your tire doesn’t meet these requirements, it can’t be repaired and the tire must be replaced.

What We Do
When you bring your vehicle to Jiffy Lube, here’s what you can expect:

  • A trained technician first removes the punctured tire, visually inspects it for potential structure damage and previous repairs and determines whether it’s repairable.
  • If the tire is repairable, the technician will remove the tire from the wheel, clean the puncture, prep the area around it, and use a plug-patch combo to seal the puncture.
  • After the tire plug-patch repair, the technician will reinstall and inflate your tire back to the manufacturer’s specifications as well as balance the whole assembly.

Trust Your Local Jiffy Lube for Your Tire Repair Needs

Whether it’s a rim leak, puncture, or your Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) light is on, you can bring your vehicle to your local Jiffy Lube where a trained technician will assess and offer guidance on tire maintenance to help ensure a smooth and safe drive.

NOTE: Not all services are offered at all Jiffy Lube service centers. Please call ahead or check jiffylube.com to ensure the service is available at the Jiffy Lube location near you.

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Tire Repair Services | Jiffy Lube (2024)


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Name: Delena Feil

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.