How to Make Cheese with Sheep’s Milk – 3 Pecorino Cheese recipes (2024)

These recipes were learned from an Sardenian/Italian cheesemaker with years of expertise (I wwoofed on his farm in the heel of the boot of Italy). So much of cheesemaking is about “feel” and subtleties, but here are the objective steps.

One batch of milk, two temperatures, three mold pressures, four different cheeses!

  1. Formaggio Primo Sale (FPS): “Cheese Before It’s Salted” – a tasty soft cheese not meant to be aged.

  2. Pecorino Stagionato (PS): “Aged Sheep Cheese”— a harder, aged version of FPS

  3. Pecorino Duro (PD): “Hard Sheep Cheese” — a hardened, aged verson of PS, meant to be grated into pastas, etc.

  4. Ricotta Fresca (RF): “Fresh ReCooked” — a very soft cheese meant to be eaten within a day or two.

Kilos and kilos of cheese heaven at various stages of aging.

Traditionally, these cheeses were made only when the outdoor temps would keep them cool. Now, it’s possible to make them year-round, but this farm sticks to traditional ways.

In the winter, the cheese-making milk is heated twice. As I understand it, different proteins and fats react at different temperatures. First the milk is heated to a low temperature, rennet is added, and the curds are either pressed gently into molds (FPS), or firmly into molds (PS, PD). Then the remaining whey is heated again to a much higher temperature, new curds form, and these are gently drained in molds (RF).


(based on 60L of milk production)

  1. Filter raw milk twice through cheesecloth.

  2. Heat milk to a minimum of 36 °C (97 °F), and absolutely no more than 40 °C (104 °F), in a stainless steel pot.

  3. Add two capfuls of rennet (about two teaspoons), stir, cover, and wait 30-45 minutes to allow curds to form.

  4. Cut the curds with a knife in a cross-hatch pattern (several parallel cuts in one direction, followed by several perpendicular cuts).

  5. Stir the curds quickly and vigorously, breaking them into very small pieces.

  6. Prepare a space where your curds can drain. It is important to catch all the whey that drains off the cheese.

Formaggio Primo Sale:

  1. The rolling cart where cheese is left to drain for a few days. On the top level in the plastic baskets, you can see the cheese we just made. On the middle level is cheese from the previous day that has been removed from the basket mold, turned, and salted. On the bottom are the plastic racks that the plastic baskets sit on during their first day of draining. On the left edge of the cart you can see the two plastic buckets catching the drained whey. (Note: this is not the whey used for ricotta production. In this case it is a mess prevention strategy.

    Submerge a mold basket into the curds. Slowly and gently scoop the curds into the basket, ensuring as much whey as possible remains distributed throughout the curds. (This is supposedly the secret to a wonderful, soft texture.) Make sure to flatten off the top for a symmetrical cheese that drains well.

  2. Transfer the mold basket to a surface where it can continue to drain. Don’t forget — catch the whey that drains off!

  3. After ten minutes, gently dump the formed cheese into the palm of your hand, flip it over, and place it back in the basket (upside down). Continue to drain.

  4. Leave to drain overnight at room temperature.

  5. The following day, you can remove the cheese from the mold and eat it. If you like, you can rub the outside with coarse salt for flavor. If you are not going to eat the cheese right away, refrigerate it, ideally turning every day.

Pecorino Stagionato/Duro:

  1. The cheesemaker stirring the curds with a giant, wooden paddle. In the background are some of our cheese making supplies – plastic basket molds.

    Scoop the curds into a basket mold. Pack the curds down firmly with your fingers. Add more curds, packing until the basket if full and the top of the cheese is flat.

  2. Transfer the mold basket to a surface where it can continue to drain. Don’t forget — catch the whey that drains off!

  3. After ten minutes, gently dump the formed cheese into the palm of your hand, flip it over, and place it back in the basket (upside down). With your fingers, break up the curds and repack them down hard again. Continue to drain.

  4. Leave to drain overnight at room temperature.

  5. The following day, remove the cheese from the mold. Before turning it, rub the outside with coarse salt. It is my understanding that this is a catalyst for the aging process. I’m told you can also soak the cheese in salt water. Place the cheese upside down and allow it to drain another day.

  6. On the third day, flip the cheese and transfer to a 14 °C (57 °F) cellar. Any warmer, and the cheese will age (ferment) too quickly. The over-activity of the organisms will crack the cheese. Any cooler, and the aging process will stall.

  7. On the fourth day flip the cheese. On the fifth day flip the cheese. And so on for up to a year for Pecorino Stagionato (remember, it is getting harder every day, so after a month it’s up to you when you want to eat it). For Pecorino Duro, age from six months onward. Blue mold will likely grow on the rind of the cheese. Before eating, simply scrub it with a brush under running water.


(based on remaining and collected draining whey from ==Part I)

Ricotta Fresca:

  1. The secret (okay *a* secret) to good cheese? Filter, filter, filter…

    If you don’t have time to make Ricotta the same day that you make FPS and/or PS/PD, refrigerate the whey overnight.

  2. Filter the whey before heating — a standard, mesh kitchen strainer will do. Obviously the smaller weave the better.

  3. Heat the whey to 85 °C (185 °F) in a stainless steel pot. At 60 °C (140 °F), add a handful of salt.

  4. Once the whey has reached 85 °C (185 °F), remove from heat. To increase the ultimate volume, you can add 2L of milk at this point. It isn’t necessary, but it will double the amount of Ricotta Fresca produced.
  5. Cover and let sit for 30-45 minutes.
  6. Stir curds gently and slowly to keep cheese soft.
  7. Drain and enjoy! (Or place in container for later use).

One batch of milk, one temperature, one mold pressure, one cheese!

Cacioricotta: “Cheese cooked” – a semi-hard, slightly sweet cheese.

Traditionally, this process was used to make cheese in summer, because the result kept well without refrigeration. If you have a fridge, extend the cheese’s life by keeping it chilled.

In the summer, the cheese-making milk is heated once to a high temperature. When it cools to “warm,” rennet is added, and the curds are pressed gently into molds.



(based on 60L of milk production)

  1. Draining the whey out of the curds using a scoop and a plastic basket mold submerged in the curds and whey.

    Filter raw milk twice through cheesecloth.

  2. Heat milk to 92 °C (198 °F) in a stainless steel pot.

  3. Cool milk to between 43-45 °C (108-113 °F).

  4. Filter milk again.

  5. Add two capfuls of rennet (about two teaspoons), stir, cover, and wait 30-45 minutes to allow curds to form.

  6. Using the bottom of a strainer, skim the flimsy, puffy, bubbly stuff off the top of the curds and discard.

  7. Stir curds to break into small bits.

  8. Gently turn curds by hand to get curds to settle and separate from whey.

  9. Drain enough whey to make collecting curds easy. (Like drinking enough milk out of your cereal bowl to get at the remaining cereal…) Tip: submerge a strainer or mold basket and scoop the whey from the center of the strainer.

  10. The master at work – gently but firmly forming up some delicious Cacioricotta.

    Gently scoop curds into a basket mold, using even but light pressure to form a dome on the top of each one. Rotate the mold as you work to ensure even texture.

  11. Transfer the mold basket to a surface where it can continue to drain.

  12. After ten minutes, gently dump the formed cheese into the palm of your hand, flip it over, and place it back in the basket (upside down). Continue to drain.

  13. Leave to drain overnight at room temperature.

  14. The following day, remove the cheese from the mold. Before turning it, rub the outside with coarse salt. It is my understanding that this is a catalyst for the aging process. I’m told you can also soak the cheese in salt water. Place the cheese upside down and allow it to drain another day.

  15. On the third day, flip the cheese and transfer to a 14 °C (57 °F) cellar.

  16. On the fourth day flip the cheese. On the fifth day flip the cheese. And so on. I’m told you can eat it until the cheese becomes too hard, at which time you can grate it into pasta!

So, there you have it: how to make cheese from sheep’s milk! May you enjoy years of delicious, amazing cheese!

How to Make Cheese with Sheep’s Milk – 3 Pecorino Cheese recipes (2024)


How do you use pecorino cheese? ›

Pecorino Romano is so versatile that it can be used in dishes including pasta, pizza, meatballs and patties, salads, soups, and stews. Pecorino Romano is also popular in many pasta dishes such as Spaghe Alla Carbonara, Bucatini All'Amatriciana, Cacio e Pepe and Pasta alla Gricia.

What are three 3 examples of cheese that can be made from sheep milk? ›

Well-known cheeses made from sheep milk include the Feta of Bulgaria and Greece, Roquefort of France, Manchego from Spain, the Pecorino Romano (the Italian word for sheep is pecore) and Ricotta of Italy.

Is there a difference between pecorino and Pecorino Romano? ›

Pecorino Romano is high in protein and is a good source of calcium, phosphorous, potassium and magnesium. Pecorino Toscano is a hard sheep's milk cheese that is milder and less salty than Pecorino Romano. Pecorino Toscano is a PDO cheese made in the Tuscany region of Italy.

Is pecorino cheese made with sheep's milk? ›

What is pecorino? Pecorino is a catch-all term for any Italian cheese that's made entirely from sheep's milk – pecora being Italian for sheep. There are six varieties from across Italy, with four main types that all have Protected Designation of Origin status (PDO).

Is pecorino a good melting cheese? ›

Parmesan and pecorino are both hard cheeses that shred wonderfully into delicate flakes. The key difference is that Parmesan, though just as firm, melts better than Pecorino. Due to Pecorino's extremely high melting point, the cheese will generally stay firm even when added while cooking.

How do Italians eat pecorino? ›

Fresh pecorino can be considered table cheeses and can be served by itself with a slice of fresh bread or as an appetizer together with cold cuts; when aged it is used grated or flaked as an ingredient to enrich the taste of many traditional Italian dishes such as pasta, soups, sauces, salads, risottos and pizza.

How much sheep milk to make cheese? ›

1 pound of cheese requires 10 pounds (or about 5 quarts) of cow or goat milk and about 6 pounds of sheep milk.

Is raw sheep milk cheese safe? ›

Raw milk is milk from cows, sheep, and goats — or any other animal — that has not been pasteurized to kill harmful bacteria. Raw milk can carry dangerous bacteria such as Salmonella, E. coli, Listeria, Campylobacter, and others that cause foodborne illness, often called “food poisoning.”

Is sheeps milk cheese better for you? ›

Sheep Milk is loaded with vitamins and minerals

It's also high (approx 45%) in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, including Omega 3 & 6 - known as 'good fats', which help our bodies absorb vitamins, lower cholesterol, inhibit cancer growth and encourage healthy bacteria that's good for our guts too!

How can you tell if Pecorino Romano is real? ›

On the outside there is the DOP mark and the logo represented by the stylized shape of a sheep's head with the words Pecorino Romano.

Why use pecorino instead of Parmesan? ›

Because Parmesan is aged longer, it is harder, drier, and has more of a nutty, sweeter flavor profile; some long-aged Parmesans also have mellow caramel notes. Pecorino, which is younger, tends to be softer and creamier, and tastes brighter, grassier and tangier. It also has a pronounced saltiness.

What cheese is closest to pecorino? ›


Parmesan is very similar in style to pecorino but it's made from cows milk and had a saltier, more savoury flavour that is less acidic. Texturally they are the same so it's an easy substitute.

Is ricotta cheese made from sheep's milk? ›

Ricotta can technically be made from the milk of cows, sheep, goats, or water buffalo, but the ricotta that we consume most frequently—the stuff you can buy at almost every grocery store—is made from the milk of a cow.

Is Gruyere sheep's milk? ›

To make Gruyère, raw cow's milk is heated to 34 °C (93 °F) in a copper vat, and then curdled by the addition of liquid rennet.

What is cheese made from sheep's milk called? ›

Several of the world's most popular and accessible cheeses are made from sheep's milk: feta, manchego, and pecorino, to start, as well as such iconic cheeses such as France's Roquefort and Spain's Torta del Casar.

What goes well with pecorino cheese? ›

We all know the classic pairings that have entered our gastronomic culture. Now that the cheese goes well with the pears is known, just think of the proverb of the farmer who does not know how good the cheese is with this fruit. In addition to pears, we know that pecorino goes well with walnuts, honey and raw ham.

What is pecorino cheese good for? ›

Locatelli Pecorino Romano cheese is also packed with essential nutrients that contribute to overall health. It is an excellent source of high-quality protein, essential amino acids, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, and vitamins A, B, and E.

What do you use Pecorino Romano for? ›

Romano has a hard and brittle texture that makes it excellent for grating, which is why this cheese is most frequently used as a topping over pasta, soups, and salads. But Romano cheese also crumbles well and has a slightly glossy appearance, making it the star of any cheeseboard.

What does pecorino cheese taste like? ›

Pecorino Romano has a slightly tangy, almost spicy taste. This provides an ideal contrast with rich and earthy flavours. Note – the more mature a Pecorino is, the sharper the taste.


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